Backer Survey 2.0

By admin — July 24th, 2017

Today we launched a survey for our Ockel Sirius A (Pro) backers.

A while after our Ockel Sirius A (Pro) Indiegogo campaign was successfully funded we released the first Ockel Sirius A Backer Survey. We were amazed with the feedback we’ve received from all of you. A few very important introductions during this campaign were the direct result of the feedback gathered from this first survey:

–  8GB RAM, 128GB eMMC and Windows 10 Pro were the most requested features and we included them all in our ‘Pro model’, the Ockel Sirius A Pro.

–  The screen protector was one of the most requested accessories, which was introduced as a free Stretch Goal.

–  Another highly requested addition was the fingerprint scanner, which we decided to built-in the Ockel Sirius A and Sirius A Pro for free.

This week we are happy to release the second Backer Survey.

With the Backer Survey 2.0 we want to give you the opportunity to tell us all about your preferences in terms of colors, accessories and product features. (Don’t worry, you don’t have to decide on a color yet, we just would like to get a global impression of color preferences).

You can find the survey here:

